No.68, Kourosh Alley, North Sohrevardi St.,Tehran-IRAN                            Tel: + 9821 88501344 -88501543-88538486-88






Business Partners


TANASA TEB has been reflecting a true image of best quality and commendable perfection, with the help of a dedicated team of young, aggressive and qualified professionals.  Tanasa Teb has continuously strived to remain close to the customers by focused solutions, oriented marketing and concept of selling through innovative product management.


We shall always look forward to meeting newest challenges of medical equipment world and shall remain at the forefront of medical technology developments in the country.


Your valuable suggestion and comments always lighten our path.

2025 Tan Asa Teb Novin All Rights Reserved.


No.68, Kourosh Alley, North Sohrevardi St.,Tehran-IRA 
88-Tel: + 9821 88501344 - 88538486